Vidgeos is a unique web-based animated video creation tool launched by Josh Ratta, a popular internet marketer.
WAIT…. Are you talking about another tool? Hey man, the market is full of such tools, why again a new?
Ok, hang a little bit. Josh knows the market, knows how many such tools available and the most important thing; he knows what features customers are longing for that are absent in existing tools. So, he comes with this tool that offers not only the common features but has some really cool & unique features never seen before. For example, it has successfully overcome the language barrier; you can translate the text into any language you want.
Simply stating,
If your video texts originally is in English, and your prospective customer is watching your video in France. Then the videos’ texts will be automatically translated into French language by detecting the geographic location.
Isn’t it a cool way to attract overseas viewers and converting them into your customers?
Curious to know other key features? Here we go…
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